Department of Chemistry provides an opportunity for the students to obtain extensive expert knowledge of all main fields of chemistry. The lectures are held in the areas of inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry as well as in many more specialized courses including analytical chemistry and biochemistry. Laboratory experience is provided in the field of inorganic and organic synthesis, analytical methods, and physico-chemical measurements. The independence and creativity is emphasized during the laboratory works. The modern equipment and techniques, such as UV/VIS and IR spectrometers, AAS, thermal analysers, HPLC with MS detection, instruments for laser diffraction and other instruments are available for the students.
For students of chemistry teaching, there are number of courses that prepare them for teaching chemistry at primary and secondary schools at both theoretical and practical field. For teachers, the Department of Chemistry offers the possibility of extending the study of chemistry in the framework of lifelong learning, both in the form of a broadening of the field of study (and thus gaining the opportunity to teach chemistry as a subject at elementary or secondary schools) or by extending to another kind or level of school. For the graduates of the Master’s degree program in Chemistry (possibly for graduates of other but related fields of study) the department guarantees a rigorous procedure with the right to award RNDr. (Doctor of Natural Sciences).
Members of the department, including Ph.D. students offer help for bachelor and master students during the work on their theses. Members of the department also provide consultation in the areas of their learning activities. The best way to take full advantage of the scientific opportunities offering at the Department is to join the selected research group. Postgraduate study at the Department of Chemistry is provided individually and is focused on a specific area of research chosen by the student.
Bachelor programs
Master programs
Analytical chemistry
Teaching for Secondary Schools
Rigorous examination
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